TEA Tea is most popular non-alcoholic drinks, which is second most popular in the world after water. 18 to 20 billion cup (6 oz) are daily drunk on our planet. All types of tea comes from "Camel…
BREAKFAST Breakfast means "Breaking the fast". Because whole night we are on the fast due to sleep. Breakfast is a first meal of the day, typically eaten in morning after 7-9 hours fast. It…
17 FRENCH CLASSICAL MENU The classical French menu contains 17 courses. Nowdays, Menu of 17 courses is hardly offered.Mainly 5,6,8 & 12 course menu is offered by establishment. But today's sh…
TABLE D'HÔTE TABLE D'HÔTE is one of the type of menu. Table d'hôte is a French term which means "Host of the table". It is a set menu where the multi course meal is offered wit…
A LA CARTE A LA CARTE is a type of menu which is most widely used in large establishments. It is a multiple choice menu,where the each dish available in list of dishes have their separate price an…
MENU Menu is a list of dishes which is available or to be served in restaurants to the customers. From which customers select the dish and order for that. Menu is most important part of catering indu…
MISE-EN-PLACE MISE-EN-PLACE is a French term means to "putting in place" is mean to the preparation of work place for smooth service. It is mainly used in f&b service department in eve…
MISE-EN-SCENE MISE-EN-SCENE (pronounce mija-seen) is a French term means to prepare the environment of Restaurants or serving outlets before service in order to make it pleasant, safe, hygienic and…
TABLEWARE Tableware is flatware eating utensils which used to set a table for eating a meal includes the dishes, glassware, cutlery etc. Flateware:- All types of spoon and fork. Especially it used…
Welcome Drinks Welcome drink is a beverage which serve on the arrival of the guests at the place with the cold towel, its may be alcoholic cocktail, non-alcoholic mocktail, mixed juice or kind of tea…
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