Menu is a list of dishes which is available or to be served in restaurants to the customers. From which customers select the dish and order for that. Menu is most important part of catering industry. Menu is a link between customers and establishments. Hence, it is carefully planned by the establishment's professionals, like executive chef, f&b manager and f&b controller. 

Word "MENU" is founded in year 1718 and mean of that is "BILL OF FARE". 


In the restaurant, there are mainly 2  type of menus :

An "A la carte menu"  is multiple choice menu, where the each dish available in list of dishes have their separate price and not a fixed price complete meal. 

The mean of "Table d'hote" is "host of table". It is a set menu where the multi course meal is offered with limited choices at the charge of fixed prices. There isnot sperate pricing for each dishes. There is fixed price for whole meal.