Indian basic paste & gravy
Definition of Gravy - it's a liquid mixture may thickened or without thickening prepared along with the most ingredients and flavoured with Indian spices and garnished with Indian herbs.

Indian basic paste & gravy

1. Brown Onion Paste -

Indian basic paste & gravy
Major ingredients to induce a brown onion sour curd base paste are golden fried onion and sour curd. Mix it well and pass it through the liquidiser to induce the paste.
Major ingredients to induce a brown onion tomato puree base paste are golden fried onion and tomato puree. Mix it properly and pass it through the liquidiser to induce the paste.

2. Boiled Onion Paste -

Indian basic paste & gravy
Boil the onion with bay-leaf and strain and pass it through the liquidiser without the bay-leaf to induce the paste.

3. Green Paste -

Indian basic paste & gravy
the main ingredients are Spinach, Coriander Leaves, Green Chilly, Anar Dana (optional). Blanch the spinach and chop it with coriander leaves, mint leaves and green chilly.
Pass chopped spinach, coriander leaves, mint leaves and anar dana through liquidiser to induce the green paste.

4. White Paste - 

Indian basic paste & gravy
Major ingredient for North-Indian white paste are Cashews,
Nut, Charmagaj, Poppy Seeds and Coconut. Make paste of all nuts separately and remove the milk. Grate coconut
and remove the milk.
Major ingredients for Hyderabadi white paste are Chiranjee,Peanuts, White Sesame Seeds and Coconut. Make paste of all nuts separately and remove the milk. Grate
coconut and remove the milk.

5. GingerGarlic Paste -

Indian basic paste & gravy
the main ingredients are ginger and garlic. Peel, cut into small pieces and pass it through the liquidiser. General ratio for ginger : garlic = 2:1.

Mother Gravy 

Indian basic paste & gravy

A) Brown Gravy -

 This gravy is obtained from the brown paste only and should be dark brown in colour.
Indian basic paste & gravy

Procedure :

1. Heat the oil.
2. Add some ginger-garlic paste and well fry them.
3. Add brown paste.
4. Add the red chilly, coriander, cumin and turmeric powder and some amount of water. Boil by proper stirring.
5. Season it with salt and sugar.
6. Flavour it with hot spice-powder and pure-ghee.

B) White or Shahi Gravy - 

Indian basic paste & gravy
This gravy is obtained from the boiled onion and white paste.
Has to be white in colour.

Procedure :

1. Heat the oil.
2. Add some ginger-garlic paste and well fry them.
3. Add boiled onion paste and cook it.
4. Add the milk of all nuts paste and coconut milk and boil it until it thickens.
5. Seasonings done with salt and white-pepper powder and flavoured with hot-spice powder.

C) Green Gravy - 

Indian basic paste & gravy
Obtained from green paste and has got to be green in colour.

Procedure :

1. Heat the oil.
2. Add some ginger-garlic paste and properly fry them.
3. Add sliced onions and fry till its get golden brown color.
4. Add the 3/4 portion of the green paste and cook it properly.
5. Seasonings done with salt and flavoured with hot-spice powder.
6. Add the remain of the green paste to keep up the color and warm it for few moments.
7. Flavour with pure ghee.

D) Makhni Gravy -

Indian basic paste & gravy
 types of tomato base gravy. Due to its style of preparation and the
consistency, we call it as Makhni Sauce.

Procedure :

1. Heat the oil.
2. Add small cardamom, cinnamon, chopped ginger and garlic and cook it nicely.
3. Add chopped tomatoes and bay leaves.
4. Put water and boil it.
5. Strain it and pass though the solid part to the liquidiser.
6. Add the liquidised part into the previously strained liquid.
7. Boil and add butter and double cream.
8. Add honey, season properly till its consistency & get chrome-yellow gravy.

E) Kadai Gravy - 

Indian basic paste & gravy
has got to be redness in colour. Obtained from brown paste.
Flavoured with broiled whole spices powder commonly known as
khara masala.

Procedure :

1. Prepare the khara masala.
2. Heat the oil.
3. Add some ginger-garlic paste and properly fry them.
4. Add the brown paste and cook them.
5. Add khara masala strained.
6. Season with salt and sugar.
7. Flavour with pure ghee.