Wine fundamentals
Selecting a wine you prefer is simple after you will properly pronounce wine names, use acceptable terms to explain wine, rewrite wine names, and approach the choosing method confidently.Quick Guide to Wine Pronunciation
Correctly announcing wine names is a method to stay from irritating a wine snob; the subsequent table will assist you out. The stressed language unit in every word is italicized; if no language unit is italicized, all syllables carry equal weight.
- Auslese > ouse-lay-seh
- Beaujolais > boh-jhoe-lay
- Bourgogne > boor-guh-nyuh
- Brut > brute
- Cabernet Sauvignon > cab-er-nay saw-vee-nyon
- Chablis > shah-blee
- Chardonnay > shar-dohn-nay
- Châteauneuf-du-Pape > shah-toe-nuf-doo-pahp
- Côte-Rotie > coat-roe-tee
- Gewürztraminer > geh-vairtz-trah-mee-ner
- Haut-Brion > oh-bree-ohn
- Hermitage > er-mee-tahj
- Loire > l’wahr
- Mâcon > mah-cawn
- Merlot > mer-loh
- Meursault > muhr-so
- Moët > moh-ett
- Montepulciano d’Abruzzo > mon-tae-pul-chee-ah-noh dah-brute-zoh
- Montrachet > mon-rah-shay
- Mosel-Saar-Ruwer > moh-zel-zar-roo-ver
- Muscadet > moos-cah-day
- Pauillac > poy-yac
- Perrier-Jouët > per-ree-yay-joo-ett
- Pinot Grigio > pee-noh gree-joe
- Pinot Noir > pee-noh nwahr
- Pouilly-Fuissé > pwee-fwee-say
- Riesling > reese-ling
- Rioja > ree-oh-hah
- Sancerre > sahn-air
- Spätlese > shpate-lay-seh
- Viognier > vee-oh-nyay
- Vosne-Romanée > vone-roh-mah-nay
- Willamette Valley > wil-lam-et
Useful terms of wine
- Aroma or bouquet: The smell of a wine — bouquet applies particularly to the aroma of older wines
- Body: The apparent weight of a wine in your mouth (light, medium, or full)
- Crisp: A wine with refreshing acidity
- Dry: Not sweet
- Finish: The impression a wine leaves as you swallow it
- Flavor intensity: How strong or weak a wine’s flavors are
- Fruity: A wine whose aromas and flavors suggest fruit; doesn’t imply sweetness
- Oaky: A wine that has oak flavors (smoky, toasty)
- Soft: A wine that has a smooth rather than crisp mouthfeel
- Tannic: A red wine that is firm and leaves the mouth feeling dry
Easy Wine Identifier
Most wines you discover in outlets and restaurants are named in 2 basic ways: for the range of the grape or for the place the grapes are fully grown. This instant guide decodes common wine names and tells you the wine’s color.
Wine Name Grape or Place Wine Color
- Barbera Grape Red.
- Bardolino Place/Italy Red
- Barolo Place/Italy Red
- Beaujolais Place/France Red
- Bordeaux Place/France Red or white
- Burgundy (Bourgogne) Place/France Red or white
- Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Red
- Chablis Place/France White
- Champagne Place/France White or rosé
- Chardonnay Grape White
- Chianti Place/Italy Red
- Côtes du Rhône Place/France Red or white
- olcetto Grape Red
- Merlot Grape Red
- Mosel Place/Germany White
- Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris Grape White
- Pinot Noir Grape Red
- Port (Porto) Place/Portugal Red (fortified)
- Pouilly-Fuissé Place/France White
- Rhine (Rheingau, Rheinhessen) Place/Germany White
- Riesling Grape White
- Rioja Place/Spain Red or white
- Sancerre Place/France White
- Sauternes Place/France White (dessert)
- Sauvignon Blanc Grape White
- Sherry Place/Spain White (fortified)
- Soave Place/Italy White
- Syrah/Shiraz Grape Red
- Valpolicella Place/Italy Red
- Viognier Grape White
- Zinfandel Grape Red or pink