Types of service
French Service
It is very personalized and private service. The food is taken in casseroles and platters and kept near the plate on the guest's table. Then the guest help themselves. It is very expensive and elaborate used in some fine dining restaurants. This service has two variants −
Cart French Service −
In this service a cart(trolley) is used and kept near the guest table and then food is prepared and assembled at tableside.And then guests select food from the cart without standing up on their tables and are later served from the right. This service is offered for small groups of VIPs.
Banquet French Service −
The food is prepared in the kitchen. The Steward /waiter serve the food from the guest's left side on each individuals plates. For replenishment, the Steward keep the dish platters in just front of the guests.
Gueridon Service
In this service, partially cooked food from the kitchen is taken to the Gueridon Trolly for cooking it completely. This partial cooked food is fully cooked by f&b accosiciate beside the guest table for getting a particular appearance and aroma of food, and for exhibiting showmanship. It also offers a complete view of food. The waiter needs to perform the role of cook partially and needs to be dexterous.Silver Service
In this service, the food is presented on silver platters and casseroles. The table is set with sterling silverware. The food is portioned into silver platters in the kitchen itself. The platters are placed on the sideboard with burners or hot plates. At the time of serving, the waiter picks the platter from hot plate and presents it to the host for approval and serves each guest using a service spoon and fork.
Russian Service
This type of service is similar to French service. In Russian service, the food is fully prepared and Pre-cut in kitchen by chef and then neatly arranged on the silver platters. Then Steward shows the neatly arranged platter to the guest as a polite gesture. Then Steward serve food to the individual plates of the guest.Assisted Service
(Table service +self service) Basically, In assisted service, some parts of food are served to guest and the guest collect other parts of food from the buffet.Buffet Service
In this types of service, food is kept in large casserole and platters with the burner. This type of service is mostly used for large no. Of in house guest and in banquet party. The guest take their plates and can serve themselves or can request the waiter to serve on table. In buffet restaurants, All crockery and cutlery are aaranged on the tabl where the guest can sit and eat.Self Service
In this type of service, Generally the guests comes in the dining area and choose the food items. Then they pay for coupons of respective food items. The guest go with their coupon to food counter and get the chosen food. The guests are required to take their own plates to the table and eat.Cafeteria Service
This service exists in industrial canteens, hostels,schools, colleges and cafeterias. The menu and the space is limited; the cutlery is handed over to the guests. The tables are not covered. In this self service exist. Many times high chairs are provided to eat food at narrow tables. It is a quick service.Single Point Service
In this type of service, the guest order his food and pays for order and gets served all food at a single point. There may be or may not be any kind of dining areas or seats. The following are the different methods of Single Point Service.Food Court
A food court have a array of autonomous counters of fast food, from which the customers can buy and eat at adjacent dining area. Mainly its found inside a mall or shopping complexes. Customers are free to buy food from any of counter.
The customer enters the choice and amount of money physically and the machine dispenses what customer demanded accurately.
Take Away
Customer orders and avails food and beverage from a single counter and consumes it off the premises.For eg. Customers comes in restaurant and order food and pay for it, gets food packed and leave the restaurant with packed food and eat as where the customer wants to eat at home, in car etc.
It is a automatic machine contains ready to eat food and beverage. The customer can get food or beverage service by putting a coin inside it.The vending machines are installed in industrial canteens, shopping centers, and airports.
Special Service
Special service is mean like that food and beverage service is done at the place where food and beverage is not served. For example, in tea lounge we can only serve tea, But for special guest, if he/she requests to serve the food at the tea lounge. We served the food at the lounge.Grill Room Service
In this service, various types of vegetables and meats are displayed for better view and choice. The counter is decorated with great aesthetics, and the guest can select meat or vegetable of choice. The guest then takes a seat and get serve cooked food by Steward with accompaniments.Tray Service
It si a method of service in which whole meal or part of meal are served with tray to customer in situ, such as hospitals, aircraft, or railway catering.Trolley/Gueridon Service
Food is cooked, finished or presented to the guest at a table, from a moveable trolley. For example, food served on trollies for office workers or in aircrafts and trains.Home Delivery
In home delivery service, The Food are prepared in restaurants kitchen and delivered to a customer’s home or place of work. For example, home delivery of pizza or Meals on Wheels.
Lounge Service
In this Service, varieties of foods and beverages are served in lounge area of a hotel or independent place.
Room Service
Here food is served to guests in their allotted rooms in hotels. Small orders are served in trays and Major meals are served by using trolleys to the rooms. The guest places his order with the room service order taker.
The waiter receives the order and transmits the same to the kitchen. Meanwhile, he prepares his tray or trolley. Then he goes to the cashier to prepare and take the bill. He then takes the food order along with bill for the guests’ signature or payment. Time of clearance for soiled dishes from the room is done after half an hour or an hour of service. However, the guest can telephone Room Service for the clearance as and when he has finished with the Service